Family Portraits (Volume 3)

Reciprocity Nexus

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"Family Portraits (Volume 3)" is the third full length album by British song-writer Hendrik "Henk" Kleinsmiede; and the final in a triple series of "concept" albums on the theme of family.

Written largely during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021, the sheer number of songs (three volumes!) and the subject matter (family) reflect the times.

"Family Portraits (Volume 3)" is the third full length album by British song-writer Hendrik "Henk" Kleinsmiede; and the final in a triple series of "concept" albums on the theme of family.

Written largely during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021, the sheer number of songs (three volumes!) and the subject matter (family) reflect the times. During three separate lockdowns in the UK and the inability to do anything else but stay at home, Henk had plenty of time on his hands to write and record songs. It was also a time for reflection...on things that matter most. In times of crises, our collective thoughts also turn to the topics dearest to our hearts: family.

The songs on all three "Family Portraits" records explore different aspects of and facets of family life: the good times; the not-so-good times; the relationships; the emotion.

Many of the themes explored are universal: love for children expressed in love songs addressed directly to them; both joy and disappointment in relationships and marriages; sibling and parental relationships etc. In short, "the good; the bad; and the ugly". The fun as much as the dysfunction.

The record also explores the theme of myth; of storytelling. All families are full of stories -- about themselves; individual members; relationships; occasions; friendships; feuds; fracas. Like all tales, these stories are inherently dynamic: are reinvented and changed over time. Mythologised. Eponymous "Family Portraits (54 Bandidos D'Amour)" is a case in point: here, my wider family is reimagined as a spaghetti western.

To reflect this theme of mythos, the songs across all three albums are expressed as little stories; tiny observational vignettes. These often restrict themselves to a single dimension or perspective of a family relationship: love, pride, disappointment. Sometimes all three. Hence, some songs about, say, a parent or a lover, cover totally different aspects of that person.

In writing vignettes, the artist was somewhat inspired by Charles Dickens, whom he has been reading fairly prolifically over the last few years (as if Dickens wrote songs!)and the employment of occasionally Dickensian titles.

As the moniker of the songwriter ("Reciprocity Nexus") suggests, this endeavour was very much a collaborative affair. First and foremost with musical collaborator and consultant, Siljan Panovski, who offered invaluable advice on all aspects of the songwriting, from song structure to melodies and harmonies.

Secondly, with London based producer "column:inches" who produced (arranged; mixed; mastered) the record and played or programmed instruments.

Vocals and vocal harmonies: Hendrik "Henk" Kleinsmiede Instruments and programming: "column:inches"

Musically, if the vibe of Volume 1 of "Family Portraits" was "classic", mainly guitar-driven (give or take a handful of brass) driven alternative / indie rock; the vibe of Volume 2 more experimental in terms of introducing electronic elements; then the vibe of Volume 3 is very much to take that experimentation in musical styles and form further. Thus the songs range from the Hank -Marvin-meets-Ennio Maccarone spaghetti-western soundtrack of the eponymous "Family Portraits (54 Bandidos D'Amour)", to the Northern Soul influenced, brass-driven "Toe Knee" to the Strauss-inspired, classical 3/4 time waltz "Just like Columbus (Looking for the Indies").

"Family Portraits (Volume 3) track listing:

  1. Fat Man in January
  2. Ghosts
  3. Neurotypical
  4. Family Portraits (54 Bandidos D'Amour)
  5. Father's Day
  6. Chemistry
  7. Toe Knee
  8. Just Like Columbus (Looking for the Indies)
  9. Bottle
  10. Just Kids
  11. Two Hemispheres
  12. As Much Right as Anyone
  13. Almost Wrote a Good Song
  14. Narcissus

All songs written by Hendrik "Henk" Kleinsmiede.

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