From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 1)

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An upbeat love song to my wife Juliet's Cornish family, the Hawksworths.

(For those who don't know, Cornwall is a county in the south west of England).

A "Cornish Pasty" is a savoury delicacy from Cornwall comprising a parcel of short-crust pastry filled with minced beef, onions and swedes. Here, though, it's an affectionate metaphor for my Cornish relatives

(The "Good Time Charlies" in the song, are myself and my wife, Juliet, which is how we refer to ourselves).

The legendary King Arthur (of "Knights of the Round Table" fame) was a famous Cornish king who reputedly lived at Tintagel in the "dark ages" (circa the 6th or 7th century a.d.). My 27 year old Cornish nephew is also called "Arthur". Keith is my brother-in-law, who collects Northern Soul records (a favourite genre for both he and I).

Cornwall is strongly Celtic, much like the rest of the western part of the British Isles: Wales, Ireland and the west coast of Scotland. The cuisines in all places share delicacies: variations on the "Cornish Pasty" ("Oggie" in Wales; "mince-and-tatties" in Scotland); but also something called "Hog's pudding" in Cornwall ("mealy pudding" in Scotland; and "white pudding" in Ireland), a sausage made of oats and suet. The song refers to these culinary similarities even though the protagonist gets "his Celtic cuisines" mixed up.

One more note on a "quirk" in the song; the line: "Oggie? Oggie? Oggie? Oi! Oi! Oi!" which is a chant from the area. Apparently, historically, this was a call-and-response chant between the tin miners of Cornwall (back in the day) and their wives, who would bring them "Cornish Pasties" (also known as an "Oggie", especially in Wales) for lunch and basically translates as: "Who would like a Cornish Pasty?". Response: "Me! Me! Me!".


Cornish Pasties

Took the train down from London Town to Penzance
For the romance
A tiny blip was a pirate ship in the distance
No chance that it was France?

Mince and tatties
Cornish Pasties
So what if
I got
My Celtic culinaries mixed up?
Who gives a toss?
It’s all the same stuff
A little pie of goodness for us
A tasty treat!

I do love my Cornish Pasties
King Arthur and the Good Time Charlies are
Going to party
On the South West Coast
Keith, put on your Northern Soul records!

Chop up your beef
Swede and onions finely
Kneed it a bowl, add your spices
Roll it in a tasty short-crust pastry
Pop it in the oven and
Hey presto!

Couple of jars in the “First and Last” on Land’s End
With a rumbling tummy!
All that Scrumpy makes your mind go funny
Need an oggie inside to soak up all the cider

Oats and suet
Mealy pudding
So what if
I got
My Celtic cuisines mixed up?
Who gives a toss?
It’s all the same stuff
A yummy Hog’s pudding for us
To enjoy!

I do love my Cornish Pasties
King Arthur and the Good Time Charlies
Going to party
On the South West Coast
Put on your Northern Soul records!

I do love my Cornish Pasties
King Arthur has got the Charlie
Going to party
On the South West Coast
Put on your Northern Soul!