  1. Sunlight

From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 2)

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A brass and drums driven, Motown-style, love song.



On our left
Puddles of rain
Sombre faces stare into space

On the right
More of the same
But with diminishing prospects returned

I can’t help thinking
Is this all there is?
There’s has to be more to this life!

Thank goodness you’re with me
Help drink away the misery
The only bright thing round here is your smile

Oh, how I love you so
How I long to go
Faraway, to a new destination
Where the sun, it shines
Where we start again
Feel the sunlight dance on our skin

Behind us
Only history
Days that never, ever return
And in front
There’s the future bright
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

I feel optimistic
I think we can do this
Headfirst into the unknown we go!

At least we have each other
I will be your comfort
By your side every step of the way!

How I love you so
How I long to go
Faraway, to a new destination
Where the sun, it shines
Where we start again
Feel the sunlight dance on our skin

Even if it never works out
We don’t escape
But just stay in our drab hometown

Then I
Only ever want to stay with you
Settle down with you
‘Til our time on earth is done

How I love you so
How I long to go
Faraway, to a new destination

Where the sun, it shines
Where we start again
Feel the sunlight dance on our skin

You’re my sunshine
You’re my sunlight
Wherever you go, I go

You’re my sunshine
You’re my sunlight
You’re my home sweet home